If you wonder how gasoline is made from oil or paper from trees or about manufacturing pharmaceuticals or toothpaste or enjoy physics experiments, check out chemical engineering. When you enroll at ...
This Review explores how cutting-edge computations, combined with in situ and operando experiments, can unravel the dynamic interplay between adsorbates and catalysts, and how these interactions ...
Golightly, A., and Gadoury, C. (2018). Computer simulations vs. physical experiments: a gender comparison of implementation methods for inquiry-based heat transfer courses. Proceedings from American ...
A capstone laboratory course that provides a rigorous introduction to experiments focused in the unit operations of fluid mechanics, heat transfer, mass transfer, and chemical reaction engineering, as ...
The graduate programs from Drexel Engineering prepare professionals for applying deepened skillsets and knowledge that will further their career in research or industry. Graduates are prepared to take ...
As he began developing the course, Drews involved James Findley de Regt, a research and development engineer also in the ...
The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Northwestern University is pioneering transformational discoveries in synthetic biology, biotechnology, medicine, complex systems, energy, ...
Highly-cited faculty, innovative teaching methods and excellent new facilities make chemical engineering one of CU Boulder’s strongest engineering programs. As part of the chemical engineering degree, ...
The BS degree is a four-year program where students gain a strong grasp on areas such as calculus and organic chemistry. Chemical and biological engineering students are required to take a total of ...