If a road has lots of toads crossing in the spring, it can be registered with Froglife and a patrol set up to ferry toads ...
Islanders have been asked to become citizen scientists in a bid to help Jersey's newts, frogs and toads. Jersey Biodiversity Centre (JBC) wants people to record wildlife they see in their ponds, in ...
These are the toad patrols, and they help an amphibian with love on its mind. Early spring is the start of the breeding season for common toads (Bufo bufo to scientists). A warm, wet evening is ...
Karen, a charity worker, found the common toad inside the Taste the Difference bag which she had bought from the retailer’sSittingbourne branch in the town centre. She said: “I was in shock.
Numbers of the common toad are declining in the UK, often because they are killed as they travel back to breeding ponds A group which has helped save hundreds of toads is looking for more people ...
Charlcombe Lane near Bath, Somerset, will be shut until March 25 as volunteers go out on patrol each night at dusk to help common toads, common frogs and newts on their journey. Collectively they ...
The Charlcombe Toad Rescue Group is hoping to help more than 3,000 amphibians reach their ancestral breeding lake in the valley below. Charlcombe Lane near Bath, Somerset, will be shut until March 25 ...