To maintain good oral health, it's important to floss properly, taking into account your tooth shape and flossing frequency.
It's equally important to have the right technique when you floss so that you can clean your teeth and gums effectively. If you experience discomfort or bleeding when you floss, contact a dental ...
Dentists recommend flossing at least once a day. The best time to floss is before brushing your teeth at night to remove food ...
Some dental floss is coated with substances that make it easier to slide between teeth, notably PFAS, a group of chemicals now linked to many health problems. Others use flavors made with ...
Luckily, dental floss is not your only option. Water flossers are an alternative that some may find easier and more enjoyable to use. But are they effective? I talked to dentists to learn more ...
My dentist recommended a specific floss, but it wasn't working. It was thin, felt slippery between my fingers, and left food behind. This past summer at Sephora, I spotted a dental floss labeled ...
Dr. Catrise Austin invited “Teeth Talk Girl” Whitney DiFoggio to discuss the secrets to healthy gums in the new Let’s Talk ...
Ahead of Dental Health Week (August 7-13), the Australian ... today by the ADA reveals three in four Aussies rarely or never floss and one in five only brush their teeth once a day.