2. Female mute swan (Cygnus olor) on nest, preening. Small grey cygnet lying down, gets up, stumbles to edge of nest, stretches tiny wings and settles down. Full 1080p HD video from Canon EOS 7D.
The bird was found in the Barnsley Canal in Royston ... The charity also said feathers scattered on the bank nearby meant the young, female swan may have been attacked while she was on land ...
The majestic Whooper Swan is the national bird of Finland and Japan and is renowned for its looks and elegance ... Sexual Dimorphism in Young Swans Male and female swans look nearly indistinguishable ...
Residents reported seeing the bird with a ruptured eye and blood on ... last for many years so it's heartbreaking to think the female swan has now been left alone to try to hatch her eggs and ...
Zeus, the top god in Ancient Greek culture, would transform into a strong, male swan, even seducing a human female in this guise ... of ravishingly beautiful birds; even Michelangelo and Leonardo ...
Nesting on Arctic tundra and migrating long distances to favored wintering areas, this native swan was less affected by human settlement than was the Trumpeter Swan. Destruction of southern wetlands ...
Emblematic of qualities such as beauty, grace, pride and mysticism, it is a multihued, swan-sized bird, with a fan-shaped crest of feathers, a white patch under the eye and a long, slender neck. Much ...
"Wow, they are bigger than they look out there on the lake," a female ... to look up the swan's medical history to review it for prior conditions and individually review each bird.