Gin is used in cocktails such as the Gimlet, the Gin Fizz and the G&T. It can also be used in cooking, to ‘cure’ raw fish dishes, or to de-glaze pans in sauce-making. FAQs about BBC Food ...
Find a basic recipe here. There are some fascinating theories regarding the invention of this classic gin cocktail. But even if you're not interested in its history, its taste is sure to win you over.
Gin is used in cocktails such as the Gimlet, the Gin Fizz and the G&T. It can also be used in cooking, to ‘cure’ raw fish dishes, or to de-glaze pans in sauce-making. FAQs about BBC Food ...
We’ll still see you bar-side, but we’ll just be raising a gin gimlet or negroni to you. Cheers!” The tale of Tommyrotter Distillery is one of audacious dreams and unwavering commitment.
Taking it a step further, the seaweed gimlet features a seaweed-infused gin that combines the traditional gimlet’s crispness with the saline notes of the ocean. This salty yet balanced flavor ...