Common-law marriage refers to a relationship in which couples have not filed for marriage at government offices but are ...
Dr Hiroshi Takeda has shared an ancient Japanese sleep secret that could help you drift off in just minutes - and it doesn't involve any special products or expensive treatments ...
The van makes its way slowly but surely through the city streets, braking gently when a car swerves into its lane. But its ...
中新社东京2月27日电 (记者 朱晨曦)日本厚生劳动省27日发布的人口动态统计结果显示,2024年日本出生人口约72万,较前一年减少约5.0%,创下自1899年有统计数据以来的最低纪录。 数据显示,2024年日本出生人口较2023年减少37643人。这是日本出生人口连续9年减少 ...
Japan is fighting a forest fire that has damaged dozens of homes and forced hundreds of residents to evacuate in a ...
TOKYO: The Japanese government plans to invite to Japan this summer stateless people born to Japanese nationals and left in ...
About 35.4% of people in Japan who changed jobs to join a small- or mid-size firm saw a more than 10% pay raise from their ...