Asus' first Copilot+ PC with the Snapdragon X Elite chip last year was the Vivobook S 15, a sleek and lightweight 15-inch laptop with a gorgeous display and ultra-snappy performance. Right now, it's ...
Like mid-range phones, mid-range laptops once meant compromises in performance and speed, but fortunately, technology has come a long way. Today, you can find sleek, fast notebooks for around US$700 / ...
The Dell Latitude 5540 is one of the best laptops made for business-related work, mostly due to the fact that it comes not only with a card reader but also a fingerprint reader, making it perfect ...
If you do any video editing work, you probably know how taxing it can be on your laptop. So, when browsing for a laptop for video editing, you’ll want to make sure your rig is suited up with the ...
These days, you can pick up a very capable budget laptop—whether a full-size classic clamshell, an ultraportable, or a 2-in-1 convertible powerful enough for home, work, or school—for well ...
The current sweet spot for a reliable laptop to handle average work, home office or school tasks is between $700 and $800 and a reasonable model for creative work or gaming is $1,000 and up.