The man who stabbed Saif Ali Khan yesterday has been captured entering the actors house in a new CCTV footage. The footage - ...
A new CCTV footage has emerged showing the man who stabbed Saif Ali Khan climbing the stairs before entering the actor's ...
The 20-year-old man emerged from a reportedly stolen car with a gun in hand when police confronted him outside a Madison ...
The good news is that multiple short bursts of activities like walking while talking on your phone, climbing your office stairs, walking your dog or taking public transport instead of driving can ...
It's no longer a flight of fancy, after a university professor revealed how simple daily exercise like climbing the stairs adds years to your lifespan. Lennert Veerman, professor of public health ...
These effects were observed in both men and women. “Collectively, these results demonstrate that interval stair climbing can confer immediate psychological benefits, providing further evidence ...
Read on to learn how to climb stairs without getting (too) breathless each time you reach the top. Another reason why it affects you so strongly is because walking up stairs uses your fast-twitch ...