The first Mercury retrograde of the year is going down — or slowing down, in the insolent, fire-breathing sign of Aries and ...
The chorus of this song makes the link between the many deities of Roman mythology and the planets in the night sky – Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn, Mercury, etc. Mercury’s ‘Mystery Tour’ takes ...
Roman religion was split in two ... Other major gods included Mars (god of war), Mercury (god of trade and messenger of the gods) and Bacchus (god of grapes and wine production).
By the 1970s, horoscopes were a newspaper mainstay and Mercury retrograde was a recurring player. Because the Roman god Mercury was said to govern travel, commerce, financial wealth, and ...
This is because — since all of the planets are historically linked to ancient mythology — Mercury is the Roman god of travelers, commerce and delivering messages. The Mercury retrograde will ...
With the help of the messenger-god, Mercury, we travel in time and space to hear the sounds of ancient Roman environments: the markets, the forum, the theatre, the baths, the chariot races ...