Bacterial evolution is the process of heritable change in populations of bacteria over multiple generations. It occurs through mechanisms including natural selection and genetic drift, and can ...
Point mutations are often thought of as the raw material of evolution; these small changes ... us insights into the evolutionary pressures on bacterial pathogens.
I am fascinated by the functional diversity of microbes and the multiple paths that evolution has taken ... will allow us to create and examine model bacterial species for the gut.
The bacteria is notoriously drug-resistant, and several antibiotic treatments are no longer effective in treating it. If evolution makes bacteria like this more invulnerable, prevention and ...
First, the team prepared a mouse model with bacterial infection in the skin ... they are certain that the evolution of antibiotic resistance in people with diabetes could spell trouble for the ...
Their research, recently published in the journal Nature Communications, reveals that bacteria ... science, evolution, medicine, and public health. As researchers strive to identify, model ...
“It shows for the first time that something that is very important for the evolution of a pathogen—phage transfer—is triggered by the action of the pathogen itself during infection.” Some ...
First, the team prepared a mouse model with bacterial infection in the skin ... they are certain that the evolution of antibiotic resistance in people with diabetes could spell trouble for the ...
Transposons, or "jumping genes"—DNA segments that can move from one part of the genome to another—are key to bacterial evolution and the development of antibiotic resistance. Cornell ...