Narrator: Well, it all starts here in the bog. You might recognize it from those commercials. Advertisement: Hi, we're Ocean Spray cranberry growers. And this is our 100% juice. More from Retail ...
And, most importantly, Ocean Spray partnered with Amazon to exclusively release a limited time juice flavor: CRAN X DRAGON ...
Over the years, Ocean Spray has become one of the biggest names in juice. Browsing the beverage aisle at any grocery store will reveal Ocean Spray products ranging from cranberry juice blends to ...
As a cooperative of cranberry farmers, Ocean Spray produces cranberry ... is huge with a presence in about 100 countries, the Cran x Dragon Fruit Juice is an unwavering limited-time fan-favorite.
Narrator: Under the cooperative, the family farms see 100% of the profits from Ocean ... Spray facilities produce about 88 million cans of cranberry sauce, and 223 million bottles of juice!
Ocean Spray general manager ANZ Elissa Booth said PURE Unsweetened 100% Cranberry Juice is incredibly versatile, as consumers blend it with everything from cold bubbly water and soft drinks ...