Vast stretches of Russian coast have been tarred by heavy fuel oil from two freighters that foundered in a storm.
A construction vessel spilled oil at the site of a future Marine Corps airfield in northern Okinawa over the weekend.
A plan to resume offshore oil drilling in Santa Barbara, California, has reopened old wounds in a city where a 1969 oil spill ...
The Environmental Defense Center works to prevent Sable restart of offshore oil drilling over safety and climate concerns.
Welcome back to the Fluctus Channel to discover the methods and new technologies developed to fight oil spills in the ocean.
And we hope that millions of Americans who live near the ocean or visit or see places on the map protected today … can take comfort knowing that those places will never be subject to offshore drilling ...
In a first-of-its-kind study, Poppy was able to do something with ease that's proven far more challenging for humans and their machines.
LIMA – Peru’s government on Dec 26 declared an environmental emergency in a northern coastal area, where state oil firm Petroperu last weekend spilled a crude oil shipment into surrounding ...
Santos, one of Australia’s largest oil and gas companies, has pleaded guilty and been fined just $10,000 dollars for a ...
Concerns are growing after a sunken dredger on a canal resulted in an oil spill affecting wildlife on the banks of the water. The incident happened in Stonehouse and was reported to the Environment ...
Hydraulic oil spilled at 11:40 a.m. Wednesday from a drill on a vessel that was boring into the seabed in Oura Bay, according ...