The Ladd Planetarium is located in the lobby of the Carnegie Science Center ... Check out Bates' top 10 Instagram and Facebook posts of the year, ranked by the number of online engagements they ...
We always recommend that at least part of your planetarium experience should be a live presentation by our talented staff but the films are also available by request for private shows, rentals, field ...
The public program begins with a free planetarium show most Fridays. Shows start at 7:30 p.m., unless otherwise stated on the schedule. Please make your reservation for the planetarium show as seating ...
The Sac State Planetarium offers field trips for K-12 classes of 20 or more students with no admission cost. Classes will still be required to arrange their own transportation and pay for any ...
A planetarium is going to make for an astronomical addition in Charleston. The Charleston Planetarium Society, a nonprofit dedicated to "bringing the solar system, the universe and innovative ...
All other Planetarium visitors may be dropped off on the third floor of the West Stadium Parking Complex near the Planetarium entrance. Sundays: 3:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Visitors may either purchase ...