The Mathematical Physics group at CU Boulder has expertise in Hilbert space theory, quantization theory, random matrices, Poisson geometry, the mathematics of classical and quantum fields, and PDE's ...
algebras. In mathematical physics we focus on rigorous constructions of quantum field theory models by employing methods from topological recursion, non-commutative geometry and renormalisation theory ...
For example: physics traditionally tells us that all particles can be classified into one of two types, either bosons or ...
Adams: My math-and-physics-teacher husband knew that if our daughter didn't take geometry in 9th grade, she'd never get to calculus. He was right.
Mathematics has historically had a profound impact on societal development. This "language of science" provides the framework for work in traditional areas of science—biology, physics, chemistry and ...
A few semesters back, I was a teaching assistant (TA) for an introductory physics course at U of T. After the midterm, a ...