Silicon (Si) is one of the most abundant elements on Earth, found in large quantities in soil. While Si is not essential for land plants, many plants, such as rice and grasses, have used Si to develop ...
direct rays that can cause further stress. By optimizing the lighting conditions, your plant can regain its vigor and flaunt ...
Plant stress responses describe the suite of molecular and cellular processes that are triggered by the detection by the plant of some form of stress. Stresses can be abiotic, such as drought or ...
When plants don’t receive enough water, they can’t carry out essential processes like photosynthesis, which leads to stress and leaf discoloration. In extreme cases, underwatered plants may ...
Water is essential to keep indoor plants healthy. Learn the best watering practices for houseplants and the best time of day ...
“Plants can get heat stress from being exposed to too much direct light or heat – to counteract this, they try to conserve moisture by curling up their leaves,” explains Richard ...
Named for its abundant glossy fiddle-shaped leaves, this towering beauty brings a tropical flair to any interior scheme ...