Only 1,000 Dolan sheep exist in the world, according to breeders, and their extraordinary features have made them the latest collectors' item for ultra-rich Chinese, writes the Daily Telegraph.
Cash, a Ryeland ram, will occasionally charge or butt against the metal barricade that keeps him from Casper, a Jacob sheep, which Bryce says are “displays of dominance.” But a misting of Lynx ...
Rambouillet rams from Erk Bros of Newell and Cook Sisters of Glad Valley in South Dakota earned Registered of Merit Status.
your comprehensive resource for all things sheep production and management. Explore essential topics such as livestock guardian animals, nutrition, and toxic plant identification. Learn about ewe, ...
Farm Sanctuary SA is offering a R1.2m reward for the safe return of its painting sheep Baanksy. Baanksy, the ‘Ram-brandt’ of animal art, who is following in the footsteps of the sanctuary’s ...
RamCompare is looking for new farms in England & Wales to help gather vital data on lamb performance and advance UK sheep breeding.