The Vincross Hexa spider-crab can dance, record video, climb up stairs and perform all sorts of tricks. WSJ’s Joanna Stern took the robot for a stroll… on the beach.
The video shows: Antarctica - Recent 1. Various of six-legged robot dog walking on ice and snow Shanghai, China - Recent 2. Specially designed shoe for robot dog SOUNDBITE (Chinese) Mao Shijie ...
Researchers from six universities, including Oregon State, have teamed up with NASA to test a walking robot on the ... but the hope with this four-legged robot is that it will be able to roam ...
This isn’t the only walking robot kit on; last year, [The Big One] created Stubby the Teaching Hexapod. Even though Stubby featured six legs, it’s still remarkably similar to Tote ...
[James Bruton] is on a quest to explore all the weird and wonderful methods of robot locomotion ... actually makes use of three independent four-legged Strider mechanisms, connected in a triangle ...
What has six legs, gas, weighs more than a ton and ... who has workd with DARPA on a four-legged pack robot to help soldiers with heavy loads. Also on the team are Adam Bercu, two-time collegiate ...
Chinese researchers proudly released pictures of the six-legged robot dogs used during the ongoing Antarctic mission at the Zhongshan polar research station this past weekend. These robot dogs can ...