There is nothing more beautiful than a Wisteria tree in full bloom, and this one in Japan is among the most exquisite. This ...
Just as there are many "treelines," there are many factors that can influence where these treelines occur. Tree metabolism, growth, spread, and survival are all local phenomena. Predicting ...
At the same time, however, there is tremendous diversity in the living world, which is the result of the accumulation of different traits in different organisms. Thankfully, the tree metaphor not ...
Q. Many times I have read, “Never top a tree!” I have also read that we should keep fruit trees at 8 feet for easy picking.
Water is the single most important substance for tree life, comprising nearly 80% of tree material. Although there is a little less inside the tree during the winter, if the temperature drops low ...
He intentionally leaves their scars intact as some of them near the end of their lives. There is a tree surgeon who continues to watch over and preserve special trees in Hiroshima, western Japan.
Residents may prune branches back to their boundaries only. Please note that if you choose to prune back a tree that is not on your property, it is your responsibility to dispose of the green waste.