Explore all 50 US state birds with our comprehensive guide. Learn about each official state bird's characteristics, habitat, and the history behind their selection as state symbols.
Look out for this striking game bird with its iridescent plumage and long tail strutting through fields and woodlands. The male Common Pheasant is a spectacular bird. It boasts a vibrant green head, ...
This flightless and imposing forest giant, with its vibrant blue head and dagger-like claws, roams the rainforests of northeastern Australia and New Guinea. The Southern Cassowary is a striking, ...
A honking force of nature, these large waterfowl are as much at home on suburban lawns as they are in wild wetlands. The Canada Goose is characterized by its large size, long neck, and distinctive ...
A fearless aerial acrobat, this seabird roams vast oceans and tundra, chasing down its meals with remarkable agility and precision. The Long-tailed Jaeger is characterized by its sleek, gull-like body ...
Small but spirited, this chunky songbird stands out in North American gardens with its distinctive gray mohawk and big black eyes. The Tufted Titmouse is a small, plump bird with a distinctive crest ...
A fierce hunter with a striking rusty-red tail, this widespread raptor is a commanding presence as it soars over diverse landscapes across North America. The Red-tailed Hawk is a robust raptor with ...
Soaring over vast oceans for months on end, this majestic seabird boasts the largest wingspan of any living bird species. The Wandering Albatross is renowned for its massive wingspan, the largest of ...
With its enormous feet splayed across lily pads, this nimble wader appears to walk on water as it navigates Africa's wetlands. The African Jacana is a striking wader with chestnut-brown upperparts, ...
From suburban gardens to farms and wilderness areas, the mourning dove is one of the most common and familiar birds in North America. The Mourning Dove is a slender, medium-sized bird with a small, ...
A charismatic songbird found across tropical canopies from Panama to Brazil with its silvery-olive plumage and bold personality. The Palm Tanager is a small, drab bird with smoky brown to olive ...
Gliding gracefully over coastal waters, this elegant seabird is a master of long-distance migration. The Common Tern displays a striking combination of light grey upperparts and white underparts. Its ...