Kaleb Kompoltowicz stands at 5’10 and 150 lbs. However, what the Crestview High School pitcher lacks in size, he makes up for ...
Air National Guard Chaplain Brig. Gen. Pete Zalewski will serve as the guest speaker of the city of Crestview’s annual ...
With a record of 2-9 and facing one more game before the spring break, the Crestview baseball team played a pivotal game on ...
Former Laurel Hill City Councilor Shawn Cogan will return to serving on the council after winning a random game of chance ...
Heading into the mid-point of the season, the Baker softball team stands at 5-3. With a very young roster that includes 12 ...
A 22-year-old man from Baker was seriously injured Thursday night in a one-vehicle collision in Santa Rosa County.
Friends of the late Sheila Dunning remember her as an outstanding educator, mentor, and true friend, a sweet woman who was ...
This grant program specifically targets rural, underserved areas by funding innovative Career and Technical Education ...
Crestview High School’s tennis program continued to show the progress they have made as they split the boys and girls matches ...
Feb. 28, the Okaloosa County School District and HCA health care partnered together to present Kirsten DeLaRue, a fourth and ...
Growing up in Georgia, Tristan Cooley knew from a young age that he had a future in tennis. Cooley, who has two uncles who ...
Since at least 2010, Woodlawn Baptist Church in Crestview has hosted the Young at Heart group for senior adults. The group ...