Law school applicants want official policies with clear guidance on how they can use AI when applying for admission, ...
Republicans and companies have looked to securities regulators to curb firms that advise shareholders on environmental, ...
Mayer Brown partner Tony Weibell says businesses that are promising users their platforms are safe might expose themselves to ...
UNH School of Law’s Seth Oranburg says critics of Delaware SB21 discount the impact of predictable corporate governance rules ...
Open Ownership’s Thom Townsend says information about the real owners of companies can help governments identify red flags ...
Columnist Andrew Leahey says an income-based exemption or municipal control of grocery taxes would better solve budget issues ...
AZB & Partners’ Aditya Singh Chandel, Suhail Bansal, and Meghna Mittal explain how taxpayers can benefit from India’s tax ...
Akerman’s Douglas Paul and Ashley Akapo say that requiring SEC commissioners to approve formal orders of investigation could ...
The Trump administration won’t be sanctioned for freezing grant money to a Washington state hospital that conducts research on gender-affirming care for youths, a federal judge said.
A Black attorney can pursue a retaliation lawsuit that says Major, Lindsey & Africa LLC declined to help her find work after she sued Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders LLP for purported race ...
Welcome to Bloomberg Law’s Wake Up Call, a daily rundown of the top news for lawyers, law firms, and in-house counsel. stamped out a proposed class action accusing leaders of misleading investors about using vendor data to bolster its own product sales and its expansion efforts, a federal judge ruled.