The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) was created when Congress passed, and President Clinton signed, the Healthcare Research and Quality Act of 1999.
It has played a pivotal role in contributing to health policy and the delivery of healthcare services in the United States. HSR is important because it touches on all six domains of healthcare quality ...
High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart attack, heart failure, stroke and chronic kidney disease. High blood pressure is very common, affecting about 30 percent of adults in the United ...
After the Institute of Medicine released its sentinel report, To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), in conjunction with its Federal ...
Search or browse for answers to questions about the AHRQ Surveys on Patient Safety Culture® (SOPS®) Program, surveys, supplemental item sets, and the SOPS Databases. Send additional questions to ...
A new interactive tool from AHRQ allows researchers, policymakers and others to explore trends in hospital care for sepsis, a life-threatening condition that is among the most expensive to treat in U.
In 2016, AHRQ awarded a contract to develop methods and estimate the incremental inpatient financial costs and additional inpatient mortality associated with 10 selected hospital-acquired conditions ...
The CAHPS Ambulatory Care Improvement Guide is a comprehensive resource for health plans, medical groups, and other providers seeking to improve their performance in the domains of patient experience ...
Practice facilitators help primary care practices implement the best evidence and develop quality improvement capacity. To assist practice facilitators in gaining critical skills, AHRQ developed 14 ...
The AHRQ Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) is a family of databases, software tools, and related products developed through a federal-state-Industry partnership with state data ...
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The most complete source of data on the cost and use of health care and health insurance coverage in the United States. MEPS is a set of large-scale surveys of families and individuals and their ...