We're faithful readers of Bill's blog and this latest meditation might inspire objections form devoted followers of Kansas ...
"Pricing is going to go up and up, incrementally, because of the problems with the open market procuring steel products." The ...
First and foremost, we all owe a debt of gratitude to Jackson County tax fighter Preston Smith who keeps pressing the ...
She manages The Bar West Plaza. She’s begun ordering replacement doors two at a time because break-ins happen so regularly - ...
Johnny Dare has a lot to offer online audiences and this turning point in his career offers an opportunity wherein he could ...
Understanding (anti-police) arguments against the tax is important as Kansas City activist rhetoric seems to be gaining ...
Lots to consider tonight as we offer a quick run through by way of crime reporting, traffic tragedy, court cases and, yes, ...
"The U.S. is actively repelling its brightest minds — particularly in biomedical research, climate science and technology.
Still, the premise is worth and afternoon chuckle . . . Check-it . . .
Check-it: As homes go up around the Kansas City area, there are concerns prices could go up, too. President Donald Trump is ...
JENNIE & Dua Lipa - Handlebars was the song of the day and this is the OPEN THREAD for right now.
Right now we share important followup after a national tragedy hit Kansas exceptionally hard and officials work to prevent future danger.