Jackson Family Wines is celebrating “one of France’s most diverse wine regions, known for its exceptional quality and spectacular array of grape varieties…which over-delivers on quality”. - crédit ...
his month, Maison Gassier – which has been a subsidiary of Advini since 2004 – is paying tribute to the six successive generations of winegrowers who have shaped its future by releasing a six-sided ...
The wine region hopes to soon become the ninth northern Côtes du Rhône Cru, and aims to secure a regional appellation this year - crédit photo : Bérengère Lafeuille Over twenty-five years ago, on the ...
Industry representatives Camille Masson, Laurent Delaunay, Gérard Bancillon, Bernard Farges, Samuel Montgermont, Jérôme Bauer, Jean-Marie Fabre and Stéphane Héraud presented the French wine industry ...
ince its inception in 1953, the British Master of Wine programme (MW) has only allowed 425 industry members from 30 countries – 151 of them women – into its elite circle. Loire winegrower Kathleen Van ...
ountless observations by vine growers have supported the significance of adhering to the principles of respectful vine pruning, but very little research has confirmed the importance of not disrupting ...
“I can never thank Karine Le Marchand enough for what is happening to me. She managed to make headway in a situation where nothing had happened for years”, says Catherine Héraud - crédit photo : DR ...
Avec les menaces de 200 % de taxes douanières par le président américain Donald Trump, les vignerons français s’alarment.
Attendue face à la crise viticole, l’évolution réglementaire de la filière vin préparée par la Commission Européenne doit se ...
Leslie Camus succède Eric Yung à la direction générale de la maison Johanès Boubée, après 25 années d’expérience dans le ...
Affirmant sa mobilisation, l’exécutif français répond factuellement aux menaces américaines de taxes punitives qui feraient ...
Impression sécurisée, marketing digital et traçabilité des produits : c’est la nouvelle offre de Philaposte au travers de ses ...