In the country's vast rural regions, officials armed with poverty relapse dossiers are struggling to track and help the ...
Having revisited China over the years, Zoellick said he was impressed by the changes he has seen. "This is a huge change. It took hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. It created great ...
China Development Gateway, also known as CnDG, started its trial operation in 2001. It was a joint project between the Chinese government and the Development Gateway Foundation(DGF) under the ...
China has worked hard to reduce the number of citizens who live in poverty. The number of people in China who earn less than $1.90 (£1.25) per day, which is the line the World Bank uses to ...
China’s wildlife trade, believed to be the origin of the new coronavirus, was encouraged as a way to lift rural workers out of poverty. The announcement of $60 billion in financing for Africa ...
Since China began to open up and reform its economy in 1978, GDP growth has averaged over 9 percent a year, and more than 800 million people have lifted themselves out of poverty. There have also been ...
JUBA, March 13 (Xinhua) -- South Sudan is projected to experience universal poverty in 2025, driven by a combination of factors such as a decline in oil production and external shocks, the World Bank ...
China’s collectivist world view isn’t about undermining individuality but about emphasising interdependence. The idea could reshape global governance. China salesman sleeps in car to save ...
China is more tightly controlling how farmland can be used in an attempt to bolster food security – but it risks undoing the progress made in alleviating rural poverty. Xi is promoting a new ...
[Photo by Hu Yan/For China Daily] China's poverty alleviation efforts are grounded in the principle of "serving people", as well as upholding and carrying forward the governing philosophy of the ...