Hundreds of land and environmental defenders are threatened, arrested and killed every year for their part in resisting environmental devastation. We record every name and honour their activism.
En 2015 más de tres personas a la semana murieron asesinadas por defender su tierra, sus bosques y sus ríos frente a industrias destructivas. En el informe En terreno peligroso, se documentan 185 ...
Hundreds of land and environmental defenders are threatened, arrested and killed every year for their part in resisting environmental devastation. We record every name and honour their activism.
We are mainly funded by charitable grants from trusts, foundations and institutional sources. We also receive donations from generous individuals as well as partnerships with other NGOs. To learn more ...
日本の建設事業がどのようにマレーシア最後の熱帯雨林を破壊しているか 日本は2020年東京オリンピックまでにそのやり方を変えるだろうか 2020年のオリンピック開催に向けて、新たに建設される8つの競技施設を含め、東京では建設ラッシュが続くと見られ ...
Fossil fuel companies have our future in a chokehold. They’ve captured our politicians’ ears, infiltrated climate summits and fuelled and funded war. All this while preserving their industry’s ...
We expose how the industries fuelling the climate crisis profit from destruction, and stand with the people fighting back.
We want a better world – where corruption is challenged and accountability prevails, all can thrive within the planet’s boundaries, and governments act in the public interest. By subscribing you ...
Mike became Global Witness CEO in 2020. Under his leadership, the organisation is pursuing a new direction: shifting the balance of power from big polluters profiting most from climate breakdown to ...
We want a better world – where corruption is challenged and accountability prevails, all can thrive within the planet’s boundaries, and governments act in the public interest. By subscribing you ...
Too many of the world’s biggest and most powerful corporations are profiting from practices that are destroying our planet. Companies have captured governments around the world through campaign ...