Bitmap books have rapidly become the go-to publisher for books about retro gaming and the newest release, I’m Too Young To Die: The Ultimate Guide to First-Person Shooters 1992–2002, continues that ...
Taiko no Tasujin: Drum ‘n’ Fun wont see the release of the HORI drum peripheral stateside, but there is an alternative. Those who have the game, the GameCube adapter and the DK Bongos will find ...
Every once in a while, a game comes along that manages to hit the sweet spot. With just the right mix of nostalgia, complexity, and fun, the gaming experience becomes worthwhile again. That game is ...
When a game manages to make an impact with fans, those fans want to show their love in a variety of ways. One way is to make new games inspired by the games they loved and one other way to create ...
There has been a growing trend of homebrew developers making conversions of arcade games for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis and the newest title in the works is Data East’s Robocop arcade game. Homebrew ...
Spoiler Alert! If you haven’t read the December 1973 issue of Captain America And The Falcon (#168) yet, this article contains detailed information about the plot and storyline! Don’t come complaining ...
If you’ve never heard of Herzog Zwei, it sounds like some type of weird German cuisine. However, don’t let the odd name fool you, this is one of the most challenging real-time strategy games ever made ...
The Super Mario-kun manga has been ongoing in Japan since 1991, and is now receiving a translation into English. Viz Media has announced that it will offer an English version under the name “Super ...
“Lena has a way of brilliantly hyper-saturating the music with rhythmic ideas, counterpoint and even multiple lead lines, so taking those full-to-the-brim tracks and transforming them into equally ...
Hardcore Super Mario and MSX enthusiast Daemos, took 6 years of hard work and managed to port Super Mario World to the MSX.. The only pieces this port that are missing are the end credits and one boss ...
The Nintendo GameCube era was a time of experimentation for Nintendo. It was during this time that we got games like F-Zero GX via a collaboration with Sega, Metroid Prime and Eternal Darkness. All of ...
There is another Need For Speed (NFS) title out that deserves our attention. Unlike the last NFS title (Hot Pursuit) this one is not an arcade racer and has no sign of police sirens but is a very good ...