The opportunity for simplicity, dispensing with theoretically essential grammatical elements and answering, “Yes, I did,” when someone asks, “Did you buy the car?” is one of the features that give ...
Podcast discute a formação de uma rede nacional de telescópios para acompanhar a trajetória de artefatos que orbitam a Terra. E mais: de pai para filho; sítios arqueológicos; licenciamento de ...
In 26 th place on the list of nations with the highest theft rates, the country joins the UNESCO heritage protection committee In 2004, two people pretended to be researchers and consulted, on a ...
Um estudo que monitorou 54 onças-pintadas (Panthera onca) por florestas, áreas agrícolas, estradas e cursos d’água, em diferentes regiões da América do Sul, indicou que os felinos saem da mata fechada ...
Land transport accidents are the main cause of juvenile death in Latin America, according to the United Nations (UN). In Brazil, 392,000 people died due to traffic accidents between 2010 and 2019, an ...
The combination of two words, ancient history, only reinforces prejudices, since the first is usually associated with an area of study that deals with matters long closed, and that seem to no longer ...
In 1819, a 58-year-old mineralogist, with degrees in Law and Philosophy from the University of Coimbra, member of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences, and former Portuguese government employee, embarked on ...
Born in Lima, climatologist José Antonio Marengo received a degree in physics and meteorology in Peru and spent eight years in the United States, where he completed a PhD and two postdoctoral ...
The professor of Latin American and Caribbean History at New York University (NYU) Barbara Weinstein was born in the USA in 1952, in the typical working-class neighborhood of Brooklyn. The youngest of ...