Scientists have found a way to make solar panels cheaper, more efficient, and longer-lasting. Could this be the future of ...
is a postdoctoral researcher at the Physical Science and Engineering Division of King Abdullah University of Science and ...
Stress and social rejection may cause premature ageing, but could this be a natural mechanism to prevent uncooperative traits ...
Para ilmuwan telah menemukan cara untuk membuat panel surya yang lebih murah, lebih efisien, dan lebih tahan lama. Mungkinkah ini merupakan masa depan energi terbarukan?
Smooth election logistics mean fair elections. But what happens when things go wrong? Discover how logistics shape trust, ...
Stres dan penolakan sosial dapat menyebabkan penuaan dini, tetapi mungkinkah ini merupakan mekanisme alami untuk mencegah ...
Logistik pemilu yang lancar berarti pemilu yang adil. Namun, apa yang terjadi jika terjadi kesalahan? Temukan bagaimana ...
An interview-based study reveals how PMDD disrupts lives with exhaustion and emotional turmoil. Yet, medical support remains lacking. Recognition is overdue.
Tiny quantum spins create surprising magnetic phases, revealing new materials and quantum tech. Discover how these hidden ...
Putaran kuantum kecil menciptakan fase magnetik yang mengejutkan, mengungkap material baru dan teknologi kuantum. Temukan ...
Stress and social rejection may cause premature ageing, but could this be a natural mechanism to prevent uncooperative traits ...
Energy flows one way, but nature evolves shapes like river branches or water flow patterns that adapt over time to make ...