While broadly supporting the recent heat network consultations, we recommend improvements to ensure heat networks work fairly ...
A detailed response to the government's review of Ofgem's mandate and duties, drawing on 45 years of experience ...
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Solid walls can be insulated internally (from the inside) and externally (from the outside). Both are significant undertakings in terms of cost and disruption. This page focuses on internal solid wall ...
These are our downloadable fact sheets that you can print out and distribute. They are all PDFs and are around 1 MB. Some of our fact sheets are available in Arabic, Polish, Somali and Easy-Read. We ...
So if you’re living in a cold or damp house, or your heating system is broken, or you’re struggling to pay your bills, we may be able to make things better.
Lawrence Weston is a post-war housing estate of 7,000 people five miles from the centre of Bristol. Deprivation levels here are amongst the highest in the UK, especially for skills, employment, health ...
CSE is working with SGN to help create a network of community organisations that can provide much-needed support for people struggling with the current cost-of-living crisis. The scheme is called Safe ...
Identifying heating, lighting and insulation improvements that can be made to facilities such as community centres, village halls and other shared spaces. A document to guide you through an energy ...
Some speakers of Arabic, Polish and Somali are relative newcomers to the UK and experience difficulties ensuring their homes are adequately heated, insulated and ventilated, and also in dealing with ...
CSE wrote to energy minister, Ed Miliband, to highlight the principles we feel need to underpin the design of the Local Power ...
In July 2019, six months after Bristol became the UK’s first local council to declare a climate emergency, the city’s elected mayor adopted the goal of achieving a carbon neutral city by 2030. This ...