Rare footage shows Yellowstone’s Wapiti Lake wolf pack successfully hunting a bison in the deep snows of Hayden Valley.
Sarah Hamilton, the owner of the Trail Center Lodge in Grand Marais, filmed a lynx pacing along the property’s snowy deck on ...
Lion mating ritual up close EPISODE SYNOPSIS It's not a behaviour often captured on film, but the Earth Touch crew recently got the chance to film African lions mating in the wild! When it comes ...
Homosexual Giraffes Do What Comes Naturally EPISODE SYNOPSIS At any moment in time, one in every 20 male giraffes can be found amorously necking with another male. Or so says one study into ...
Spiders have always lived alongside humans, so it’s surprising how much we still don’t know about them. One long-standing mystery was related to how spiders detect smells. Now, our latest ...
WARNING: This footage is extremely graphic and may offend sensitive viewers. In March 2013 Kruger National Park section ranger Richard Sowry captured the ugly face of South Africa's poaching ...
How goats and weaving saved the Bali starling EPISODE SYNOPSIS Just a few years ago, the illegal pet trade was decimating Bali starling populations in the wild, with fewer than ten of the birds ...
Interview - Cameramen describes gruesome scene EPISODE SYNOPSIS This video of a baboon eating a newborn gazelle while it's still alive is one of the most disturbing scenes we’ve captured on film ...
Mother Carries Dead Baby EPISODE SYNOPSIS Powerful maternal instincts make it extremely difficult for this female baboon to let go of her dead baby. In a heartbreaking display of what might be ...
Rare green turtle, titan triggerfish & nudibranchs in 4K EPISODE SYNOPSIS Filming the notoriously fierce and territorial titan triggerfish calls for extra caution this week. Our final dive from ...
Lions Eat Elephant Alive EPISODE SYNOPSIS This disturbing video of a young elephant calf being eaten alive by lions was filmed in Botswana. Lions do not usually prey on elephants, but an extreme ...
In the middle of the Mozambiquean Channel, a two-day sail from civilisation, lies Bassas Da India a submerged volcanic atoll and shipwreck graveyard. Utilising the quiet technology of a rebreather ...