SISSA is actively participating in the second edition of Università Svelate - Giornata Nazionale dell'Università 2025, scheduled for Thursday, March 20. This initiative, dedicated this year to the ...
SISSA has published the new Open Science Guidelines, updating the regulations on thesis self-archiving and Open Access to align with the latest national and international policies. The document is ...
SISSA is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the Antonio Ambrosetti Medal, an award established in memory of Antonio Ambrosetti, a distinguished mathematician and professor at SISSA from ...
Dalla nascita dello European Research Council nel 2007, la SISSA ha ottenuto 30 prestigiosi finanziamenti ERC. La Scuola conferma così la sua eccellenza e si colloca ai primi posti tra gli istituti ...
Fellowship funded by the “ERC Synergy” project “Making Sense of the Unexpected in the Gravitational-Wave Sky’ (GWSky) - PhD course in Astroparticle Physics 2 Fellowships funded by the Human Technopole ...
Il sistema di rappresentanza globale andrà riformato, e come arrivare a questo minimizzando il prezzo pagato dalla gente innocente è il problema più urgente, e di ordine forse maggiore. - Professore ...
È aperta la call per le candidature alla Medaglia Antonio Ambrosetti, un premio istituito in memoria di Antonio Ambrosetti, matematico di spicco e professore alla SISSA dal 1980 al 1983, alla Scuola ...
A.A. Agrachev, Yu.L. Sachkov, Control Theory from the Geometric Viewpoint, Preprint SISSA, November 2002, SISSA, Trieste, Italy. (ps file) Controllability of nonlinear systems, in particular, global ...
There is a cosmic struggle at the heart of faint radio-emitting galaxies. At their core, supermassive black holes launch high-speed jets of particles, while new stars are born in clouds of gas and ...
Deep neural networks (DNNs) have revolutionised how we learn from data. Rather than requiring careful engineering and domain knowledge to extract features from raw data, DNNs learn the relevant ...
Simulations carried out using the Ulysses supercomputer of SISSA and ICTP have been able to reproduce the interactions between photons and hydrogen.Leggi l'articolo... f we combine the map ...
The Master in High Performance Computing (MHPC), jointly organized by the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) and the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), is ...