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Sean Cleary, a Bismarck Republican, has proposed a constitutional amendment that would prohibit any revenues from charitable gaming from flowing to political organizations. It amends section 25 of ...
Senate Bill 25-003 seeks to ban the buying, selling and manufacturing of semi-automatic firearms ... With growing pressure and widespread support from Second Amendment advocates, change may be on the ...
Point number 2 of the agreement, "Constitutional review and amendment”, states that the new government will assess the Constitution's performance, address its weaknesses, and make necessary amendments ...
Want more breaking political news? Click for the latest ... would be talking about 25th amendment remedies," posted conservative writer Noah Rothman. "Oh, that's right: he was and they were." ...
The Eighteenth Amendment was defeated after its sponsors failed to secure the requisite two-thirds majority of National Assembly votes necessary to affect an amendment of section 25 of the ...
When the case reached the Supreme Court, the Court held that systems of political patronage like the one established by Thompson violate the First Amendment. Quoting one of its first patronage ...
The Afrikanerbond this afternoon submitted its comments to The Ad Hoc Committee to Initiate and Introduce Legislation Amending Section 25 of the Constitution in its calls for public comment on the ...
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