After a busy year for the global environmental agenda, starting with the sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) and ending with the decision-making meetings of the Rio ...
The new report proposes a technical framework and recommendations for cities to integrate nature into their building regulations and urban planning policies. This is part of an ongoing work for nature ...
Poised to become the world’s fourth-largest economy by 2030, ASEAN leverages opportunities in the Intelligent Age to transcend traditional growth models and foster inclusive prosperity.
Tableau of state will be centered on the theme of Cheetah the Pride of India Tableau will show a glimpse of restoration of cheetahs extinct for 70 years Administrative Correspondent, Bhopal Madhya ...
Extreme weather events such as droughts, floods, and typhoons disrupt planting and harvesting cycles, leading to crop losses and economic instability. Rising temperatures also affect crop growth and ...