Monolayer amorphous carbon is a game-changing material that combines strength with toughness, solving a key problem in 2D materials like graphene. Credit: A new carbon-based material, ...
In our work, we eliminated the above-mentioned shortcomings of the theoretical part of the research carried out by the authors of ref (27): We are considering a supercell that has the periodicity that ...
We report a fast and straightforward preparation of centimeter-sized Cu(111) from polycrystalline Cu foil by the strain-free abnormal grain growth method and the subsequent growth of monolayer ...
Although final determinations in the antidumping/countervailing duties (AD/CVD) investigation related to silicon solar cells and panels from Southeast Asia are not ...
Researchers at the University of Waterloo have developed an environmentally friendly 3D-printing ink that has opened up the possibilities of graphene in a variety of fields, including consumer ...
Three complementary constructs—cardiovascular health, cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic (CKM) syndrome, and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk assessment—exist to aid physicians in understanding where a ...
and CIC nanoGUNE BRTA have developed a novel 2DPANI crystal by virtue of a topology-directed 2D polymerization of aniline using an anionic surfactant monolayer on the water surface. The 2DPANI crystal ...
Announced in mid-August, Gerdau Graphene, released a new admixture for concrete called NanoCONS, "enabling concrete producers to leverage the unprecedented physical properties of graphene to ...