California’s embattled salmon populations continue to struggle. According to figures released on February 26 by the ...
The minimum size for salmon is set at 12 inches, and wild Chinook must be released. Fishing will be open only on Mondays, ...
A truck with a sign reading “Hate is Not a Napa Value” was visible on Browns Valley Road for months. Then it disappeared – ...
More than 70 years after a dam blocked salmon from moving through their historic habitat, members of the syilx Okanagan ...
The fish have finally started to separate and focus back into that top 40-foot water column, though, so targeting the schools ...
California's fishing fleet depends on catching Chinook salmon. Low population numbers could lead regulators to shut down or ...
Orofino High School Fisheries, Wildlife, and Forestry students have been immersing themselves in gaining knowledge about the ...
Students at Grand Rapids Montessori raise salmon from eggs before releasing them into the Grand River in the spring, part of ...
The juvenile fish recently hatched from eggs that scientists deposited in the gravelly riverbed of the North Yuba River last ...
Spring-run Chinook salmon, once the most abundant of all of California’s various salmon runs, have a unique life history that ...
Young salmon swimming through the San Joaquin River make vital adjustments in their route and timing to improve their odds of surviving.