Among those who were infected, 8 per cent to 15 per cent developed fever which often required hospital care, researchers said ...
The scrub typhus infection is spread by the bite of an infected larval mite (chigger). Chiggers are found on grass, plant litter and bare soil across rural areas of Asia, and usually feed on small ...
Scrub typhus is caused by the bacterium 'Orientia tsutsugamushi', which belongs to the rickettsia family. Severe illness due ...
Affecting around a tenth of rural populations in India every year, 'scrub typhus' infection, spread by the bite of an ...
“For example, if you notice your pillows are discoloured with excessive yellowing, it’s probably time to get new ones. You’ll ...
Want to grow roses in North Texas but not sure how to make a garden thrive or which varieties to select? We've sorted it all ...
Keep the room temperatures no cooler than about 15 C or the plant will go dormant. Ficus can be susceptible to spider mite — ...
There are some very clever ways to improve your garden by companion planting, using pollinator-attracting and pest-repellant ...
We’ve been experiencing fairly high temperatures and may be looking forward to being outdoors, but don’t start too early on ...
Billowing clouds of the stuff struck a severe blow to the American heartland during the 1930s, ruining wheat crops and ...
Imagine stepping into your kitchen, picking a few fresh basil leaves, snipping some rosemary, or plucking a handful of mint—all grown right in your own home. There’s something incredibly satisfying ...