There could be a turtle eclipse of the heart. Monday’s much-anticipated solar eclipse could cause critters to act kookier ...
In the wet forests of southeastern Australia, superb lyrebirds engage in extraordinary behavior—tilling the soil to create ...
In 1988, with assistance from farmers, veterinarians and ethologists who specialize in the natural behavior of farmed animals, AWI developed its first ... With the pork from one farm, AWI began a ...
Animal behavior research is particularly relevant to the study of human behavior when it comes to the preservation of a species, or how an animal’s behavior helps it survive. The behavior of ...
Instructors introduce how domestic food animals function, genetics, nutrition, reproductive physiology, behavior and animal health ... the relationship between form and function in domestic farm ...
How is an animal's internal life (i.e., its physiology and anatomy) integrated with its behavior? Sensory systems provide information from outside the animal that, when integrated, shape behavior.
Miami University's Center for Animal Behavior (CAB) provides opportunities to study animal behavior at many levels. Whether you investigate individuals within a population or study behavior at the ...
In our animal behavior major, which combines biology and psychology, you can pursue your own research alongside our teacher-scholar faculty with our amazing research resources on campus, and may even ...