In the competitive arena of the Premier League, Chelsea's young forward Cole Palmer has showcased remarkable talent by leading the league with 71 chances created during the 2022-2023 season. However, ...
In 2024, Hangzhou further enhanced its football infrastructure by adding 166 new fields, bringing the total to 1,476 across ...
Serginho's radiant smile was evident as he celebrated his birthday with the Chinese national football team, marking a special occasion that resonates beyond personal joy. This article explores ...
直播吧3月14日讯 英媒TBR Football首席记者Graeme Bailey消息,巴萨、马竞已经就签下阿森纳中场托马斯进行了对话,两支球队有意将这名球员带回西班牙。
利物浦的球探网络将 阿尤布·布瓦迪 视为未来之星 利物浦的转会雷达持续追踪着新兴人才,最新的名字是里尔的 阿尤布·布瓦迪。据TBR ...
据一位红魔内部人士透露,葡萄牙体育前锋维克托·约克雷斯“有兴趣”在夏季转会窗口转会至曼联。 在英超联赛中,红魔的这个赛季简直是一场噩梦,在经历了28场比赛后,鲁本·阿莫林率领的球队在积分榜上排名第14位。
Toby lives with cerebral palsy and is the general manager and head coach for the Swan Districts Integrated Football Team. He enjoys the community connection of the team.