2012;7(6):721-730. Ezetimibe is a selective cholesterol absorption inhibitor that prevents the absorption of dietary and biliary cholesterol through the intestinal wall. The selectivity of ...
The team members have successfully transported lipid nanoparticles encapsulating messenger RNA (mRNA) to the immune system of the small and large intestines bypassing the liver. Just changing the ...
This cover highlights the article A novel human fetal lung-derived alveolar organoid model reveals mechanisms of surfactant protein C maturation relevant to interstitial lung diseasee by Kyungtae Lim, ...
The liver breaks down dietary fructose into lipids that are used by cancer cells to boost their growth in mice. As the small intestine and liver metabolize most of the dietary fructose, the team ...
However, little is known about how this change in fatty acid (FA) profile affects the intracellular fate of these fatty acids in the intestinal cells. To investigate this topic ... The cells were then ...
Though the study wasn’t the first time scientists had looked at the link between artificial sweeteners and obesity, it was the first one to detail a potential mechanism for it: The sweeteners changed ...
While storage and release of lipids are major functions of adipocytes, the adipocyte also uses specific lipid molecules for intracellular signaling and uses a host of protein factors to ...
Inhibition of FAO often results in a reduction in stem cell number, although the precise mechanism(s) by which stem cells are lost may differ; changes in asymmetric division, proliferation rates, gene ...