Directors had time to deliberate and have an active discussion about the decision in front of the board. Therefore, under Delaware law, a director who is not an expert on a topic is able to ...
Royalty-free licenses let you pay once to use copyrighted images and video clips in personal and commercial projects on an ongoing basis without requiring additional payments each time you use that ...
The Trump administration must reinstate Merit Systems Protection Board member Cathy Harris who was fired by President Donald Trump earlier this month, a federal judge in the District of Columbia ruled ...
SPOKE is a Raspberry Pi RP2040-based capacitive touch sensor board for interactive computer interfaces. It is designed to simplify the integration of touch-based control into various projects. SPOKE ...
Cowen’s rescission order follows a traditional pattern at the National Labor Relations Board when there’s a change in partisan control of the White House. That flip-flopping has grown more accelerated ...