We believe that our political system demonstrates notable superiority and vitality as it can avoid the pitfalls of one-party dictatorship, most notably the lack of supervision, and the possible ...
There is still much uncertainty among many proletarians regarding the tasks of the party in the dictatorship of the proletariat. Firstly, this is because they do not want to see any distinction ...
In Tripura, people are not allowed to cast their votes. They are attempting to establish a one-party dictatorship in the country. However, we firmly believe that people will not support this move ...
a one-party dictatorship with a gulag. People streamed out of the country, if they were able. One of them was Juanita Castro, who had fought alongside her brothers. Explaining her defection ...
Even in the midst of the liberation of Eastern Europe from communist dictatorship and one-party rule, in the southern Yugoslav province of Kosovo during 1989 a wholly different picture was unfolding.