Buhl Elementary is one of 16 Alabama schools featured as Reading Spotlight Schools by the Alabama Reading Initiative.
BBC coverage from Bradford in its year as UK City of Culture.
To play this video you need to enable JavaScript. 欢迎收看 “英语音标教程” 系列节目的第十集。本集中,主持人 Alex 将示范短元音 /ə/ 的发音。
Keep in mind that Hawaiian words are spoken with short vowels and diacritical markers used can change the meaning. Numbers one through 10 are as follows: ‘ekahi, ‘elua, ‘ekolu ...
Alphabet/Beginning Sounds(字母音):此阶段主要教授英文字母的基本发音,为后续的拼读打下基础。 Short Vowel Sounds(短元音):在掌握字母音的基础上,进一步学习短元音的发音规则,以及它们与辅音字母的组合方式。 Long Vowel Sounds(长元音):此阶段将重点转向 ...
In contrast, many of the ugly words are monosyllabic (nearly 30%) or disyllabic (41%). They involve the use of short vowels and the harder letters of the alphabet, such as /b/, hard /c/, /d/, hard /g/ ...
Short Wave New discoveries, everyday mysteries, and the science behind the headlines — in just under 15 minutes. It's science for everyone, using a lot of creativity and a little humor. Join ...
The law also requires second graders to take the IREAD assessment. Schools must offer summer reading programs for second graders considered "at risk" on the assessment, as well as third graders who ...