Almost five decades must provide you with tons of anecdotes, and the actor shared a few when he showed up at the FanX Salt ...
T here are few film franchises quite as popular as the Star Wars movies, as generations grew up on George Lucas' colorful ...
A STAR Wars burlesque parody is coming — and appears to be from a ­galaxy far, far wha-hey. The Empire Strips Back has a busty C-3PO gyrating on stage, plus naughty Stormtrooper routines and other ...
Star Wars actor Anthony Daniels has said he almost quit shooting the films because of the physical pain of the experience and his dislike of the sand. At such a critical moment in US history, we need ...
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, there were robots that could be controlled by basic verbal prompts, understood ...
Earlier this week, word got around that Kathleen Kennedy — the president of Lucasfilm since 2012 and the person most directly ...