The worst culprit of them all? Jellied eels. That’s according to TasteAtlas’s list of the 62 worst English foods. Based on roughly 600,000 responses from the site’s readers, jellied eels had an ...
I had a whole routine focused on my physique and getting into the best shape for this campaign,” the singer tells GQ in an exclusive interview ...
Dietary shifts are a crucial, but challenging, part of the UK's decarbonisation pathway, sa & Mike Barry, co-founders of Planetary Alliance ...
Award-winning nutritionist Rob Hobson has urged Brits to follow the rule to reduce their unhealthy cholesterol levels ...
A new study has revealed that quitting alcohol may raise bad cholesterol levels and decrease HDL levels. But is there a catch ...
It is thought more than 50 per cent of Brits have high cholesterol in what is being called a 'silent epidemic' ...
It is thought more than 50 per cent of Brits have high cholesterol in what is being called a 'silent epidemic' ...
Eating chili once a month during pregnancy is linked to a significantly lower risk of gestational diabetes, while dried beans ...
Researchers found up to 9 in 10 of some types of snacks are so unhealthy they will be restricted from being advertised on TV ...
Cardiologists have warned against cholesterol-rich and fatty foods, but they may have misidentified the ones to avoid. Cardiologist Dr Evan Levine highlighted five heart-healthy foods with a bad ...
There's a whopping 104 grams of sugar in a medium-sized milkshake, but a dietitian says the Shamrock Shake is fine to have in ...
Chains such as McDonald's, KFC, Domino's and Burger King are rapidly expanding into almost every corner of the world, says ...