In this documentary, we are going to examine ... of the RMS Lusitania and how it lit the path to war for the United States of America. Trudeau to bring up Trump's threat to annex Canada in meeting ...
Robert Putnam reflects on how America became so polarized and what can unify the nation For over two years, Judy Woodruff has traveled the country exploring the roots of America’s divisions over ...
Rocky Horror Picture Show' creator Richard O'Brien's son has made a SXSW documentary about the musical's cult legacy and ...
But in America’s response to 9/11 ... that the biggest national security threat facing the United States is internal. And it has grown partly as a result of American leadership failures over ...
A MC+'s "Lakota Nation vs. the United States," executive produced by Mark Ruffalo, won Best Documentary on the second and ...
Per CAMERA, the documentary presented the then-president’s quote as stating that “the United States will recognize Israeli sovereignty over the territory that my vision provides to be part of ...