Control Freak is a welcome change of pace for horror as it examines familiar tropes through a unique lens not often seen in ...
Mad Men showrunner Matthew Weiner describes the pitfalls of depicting one of the most harrowing moments of US history in all ...
The disorientation of assimilation was Lê’s subject, the complicated experience of giving up something you knew, something ...
Cinema Speculation by Quentin Tarantino Quentin Tarantino, the filmmaker behind brilliant films such as Reservoir Dogs, Pulp ...
David Schmidt is a producer and co-director with Ken Burns and Sarah Botstein of “The American Revolution,” which is ...
There’s a record number of ex-SEALs on Capitol Hill. Is politics at odds with the special forces’ ethos of working in the ...
Joseph Nye coined the term for the influence countries exert through attraction. Here he sets out why exclusive nationalism ...
Whether you want bazooka blasts by the barrel or hard-hitting fistfights, '80s action movies are second to none. So, to ...
Short version: An elderly Vietnamese cab driver in California is taken hostage ... off Hong Kong and set out to take down the ...
A sex worker from Brooklyn meets and marries the son of a Russian oligarch. However, her Cinderella-esque story is threatened as her new in-laws set to get the marriage annulled. Set in 1970s New ...
These war movies are a reminder that, while the Oscars sometimes get it wrong, they get it right just as often.
Watched with 15 and 13 y.o. They liked it and appreciated the sadness of the theme: War is always bad. The film is rather old and we (the adults) thought it has lost some of the luster it had when ...