白宫发言人利维特今天告诉澳大利亚广播公司(ABC): “他[特朗普]考虑过这个问题,决定不给予[豁免]。任何人都不会获得豁免。”当被问及原因时,利维特女士说:“美国钢铁优先。”“如果他们想获得豁免,就应该考虑把钢铁生产转移到这里来。” ...
The NT government has announced an independent inquiry into dozens of senior police appointments made under ousted ...
Anthony Albanese may be under attack from the Coalition, but Arthur Sinodinos knows Donald Trump well and believes the PM has ...
Craig McRae says he regrets his behaviour during the Magpies' loss to the Giants, which included an exchange of words with ...
Australians always like to think that we punch above our weight when it comes to sport. Sometimes it's a trope, but in ...
Hate speech laws were passed in NSW after an explosives-laden caravan was found in Dural alongside a note referencing The ...
Health authorities in Townsville are urging people to take precautions following a rare diphtheria diagnosis and a growing ...
A father has been found guilty of the manslaughter and criminal neglect of his 21-day-old son, who sustained injuries ...
A court hears one of the four people accused of murdering Cassius Turvey initially told police he had been "stressed" in the ...
The NSW EPA said it was the sight and stench of dead fish, and not machinery sensors, that prompted their investigation that ...
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority is investigating how the divers came to be left behind before being rescued by a ...