Objective—To provide epidemiological data on whitewater kayaking injuries using a descriptive study. Methods—A retrospective survey was distributed at whitewater events and club meetings, and made ...
Objectives: To undertake a detailed, large scale epidemiological study of match injuries sustained by professional rugby union players in order to define their incidence, nature, severity, and causes.
Correspondence to Dr Theresa Anita Diermeier, Department of Sportorthopedics, Klinikum rechts der Isar der Technischen Universitat Munchen, Munchen 81675, Germany; resi.diermeier{at}gmx.de Whereas ...
Correspondence to Ms Anju Jaggi, Shoulder & Elbow Unit, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Brockley Hill, Stanmore HA7 4LP, UK; anju.jaggi{at}rnoh.nhs.uk the surface arc or area of contact between ...
3 School of Sport, Health, and Social Sciences, Southampton Solent University, Southampton, UK Correspondence to Dale Forsdyke, Applied Human Sciences Department, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, ...
Background The key difference between the Olympic and Paralympic Games is the use of classification systems within Paralympic sports to provide a fair competition for athletes with a range of physical ...
Low energy availability (EA) is suspected to be the underlying cause of both the Female Athlete Triad and the more recently defined syndrome, Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S). The ...
Correspondence to Dr Roger Hawkes, European Tour Performance Institute, European Tour, Wentworth Drive Virginia Water, Surrey GU25 4LX, UK; RAH{at}wkes.eu The extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU) muscle plays ...
Objective To establish the meaning of the term ‘adherence’ (including conceptual and measurement definitions) in the context of therapeutic exercise (TE) for musculoskeletal (MSK) pain. Design ...
1 Centre for Rehabilitation, Exercise and Sport Science, Victoria University, CRESS House, PO Box 14428, Footscray Park Campus, Melbourne City, MC 8001, Australia 2 Department of Sport and Exercise ...
Background Sexual and physical abuse have been reported from all levels of sports. Associations between abuse victimization and sports injury have not been fully investigated. Objective To examine the ...
As a collision sport, rugby union has a relatively high overall injury incidence, with most injuries being associated with contact events. Historically, the set scrum has been a focus of the sports ...