Phoenix InfoNews Channel is the first 24-hour Mandarin-language foreign satellite television channel providing the latest news on international affairs and financial developments for Chinese ...
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Phoenix Chinese Channel, the flagship channel of Phoenix TV, offers Chinese viewers across the globe a full range of quality Mandarin-speaking programmes, including long-running favourites covering a ...
凤凰卫视资讯台的成立是凤凰卫视控股有限公司继成功开办凤凰卫视中文台、凤凰卫视电影台、凤凰卫视欧洲台及凤凰卫视美洲台之后的又一新动作。 ★你可以透过凤凰卫视资讯台全天候24小时收看来自全世界和两岸三地的最新消息; ★ 你可以透过凤凰卫视 ...
凤凰视频2013年终策划《我》:黄小山,律师,因为反对建设阿苏卫垃圾焚烧厂而出名。两年多来,他一直专注于研究垃圾的合理化处理。从酷爱时尚的成功律师,到“驴屎蛋儿”“黄垃圾”,一次游行改变了黄小山的命运。 “绿房子”垃圾分类站的诞生,也 ...
Phoenix Movies Channel was launched in August 1998 as the first subscription movie channel in mainland China. Since then, it has been entertaining an extensive audience base in the country via ...
Phoenix Hong Kong Channel, a comprehensive 24-hour Cantonese channel, was launched on March 28, 2011. At present its coverage spans from Hong Kong, Macau to Guangdong. Viewers around the world can ...